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In the world of business, everything revolves around being connected and having strong connectivity. You’re nowhere without a fast, secure, and reliable corporate network. Effective communication, collaboration, and growth, require a network that gives you control over users and applications. It’s possible. Even location independent.

Connectivity refers to the ability to link safely with various integrated networks, both internally and externally. It’s not just about having an internet connection; it’s about creating a solid and dependable infrastructure that enables your business to let data, information, and communication flow smoothly.

* High-bandwidth business fiber
* xDSL connections
* Data center Layer 2 and Layer 3 connections
* Secure VPN connections
* SD-WAN solution
* Redundant connection

Client case

Rederij Doeksen

Connectivity at sea is fast and secure through ingenious IT connections and systems. Thanks to the flexible VoIP system with call center functionality, the employees of Rederij Doeksen are always ready to assist you as optimally as possible.

* Unique BATS antenna tracking system
* Flexible VoIP system for telefony
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What is connectivity and why is it so important?

Connectivity is an essential aspect that enables your organization to communicate, collaborate, and grow effectively. At Cloud Networks, we understand the importance of connectivity. We are the always available IT link that helps your company remain seamlessly connected around the clock, by 24/7 monitoring. Each technology has its own areas of application and benefits, depending on your company’s specific needs. The key is that through connectivity, your business network is accessible for critical processes at any hour of the day.

We understand that not everyone is an expert in the field of connectivity, which is why we take the time to explain complex technologies in an understandable manner.

Which solution suits your company best? You’ll find out here. We hope this explanation is clear and informative. Feel free to get in touch; we’re always ready to assist!


Cloud Networks’ connectivity solutions

1. Business fiber optic connections

Fiber optic connections use thin glass fiber cables to transmit data at high speeds and large bandwidths. Compared to traditional copper cables, fiber optic connections offer internet connectivity much faster and more reliable. They are essential for businesses that need to transmit and receive large amounts of data, run cloud applications, and support multiple users on one network.

Business fiber optic connections provide the fastest and most stable connection possible. You opt for this when you want to significantly professionalize. A fiber optic connection offers speed, security, and capacity. If your need for more bandwidth increases, then business fiber optics is the answer.


2. xDSL connection

DSL stands for Digital Subscriber Line. It’s a technology that utilizes existing copper telephone lines to transmit data. It includes various variants like ADSL, VDSL, and SDSL. xDSL connections offer wider bandwidths than traditional dial-up connections and are popular for broadband internet access in small-scale businesses. However, they can’t achieve the same high speeds and bandwidths as fiber connections.

xDSL connections are widely available through existing phone lines. They provide broadband access at a lower cost than other options, and they might suffice for basic internet usage and simple cloud applications. They are easy to install and configure, and they don’t require complex infrastructure changes.


3. What are data center Layer 2 and Layer 3 connections?

Data centers are facilities housing numerous servers, network equipment, and storage space. Layer 2 connections, like Ethernet, focus on connecting devices within the same network segment. Layer 3 connections, like IP-routers, are used to route traffic between different network segments and locations.

Choose this connection when you need a reliable and scalable network infrastructure for hosting business-critical applications, sharing resources between different network segments, and facilitating communication within and outside the data center.

Business-critical applications are software applications that are vital for the daily operation and success of a business. They typically contain applications that are crucial for performing core tasks, managing business processes, and delivering value to customers. Some examples of business-critical applications include:

* Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems
* Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems
* E-commerce platforms
* Collaboration tools
* Business Intelligence (BI) systems


4. What is a VPN?

A Virtual Private Network (VPN) is a secure tunnel layered on top of an existing internet connection, whether it’s through fiber or xDSL. It provides an additional security layer and encrypts data transmitted through the internet connection.

Secure VPN connections utilize encryption to protect data from interception and unauthorized access. This enables employees to securely access business resources such as files, applications, and internal systems, from remote locations. Secure VPN connections are vital for ensuring data confidentiality and integrity, especially when working remotely or using public WiFi networks.


5. What is an SD-WAN solution?

With SD-WAN (Software Defined – Wide Area Network), users are connected to a corporate network that links all the organization’s applications. Users and business software are centrally managed from an SD-WAN dashboard in the cloud. This provides complete control over users, applications, and the usage of the corporate network.

The goal of SD-WAN is to optimize connectivity and provide a better user experience, regardless of the type of internet connection that is being used. It’s important to note that the performance of an SD-WAN solution is dependent on the quality, speed and reliability of the internet connection that is being used, whether it’s fiber or xDSL.

For whom?

SD-WAN is suitable for businesses with multiple locations, such as retail chains, branches, offices, or companies with a global business network. It enables these organizations to efficiently connect their various locations, both locally and across long distances.

From centrally obtained insights into the corporate network, the bandwidth can be increased or decreased as needed. Additionally, there is a great deal of insight and control over security and privacy, which are significant ICT challenges for many businesses and organizations.


6. Redundant Internet Connection

Do you want to ensure an operational connection without fail? Opt for a redundant internet connection. With a redundant connection, an internet connection is duplicated, allowing automatic switching in case one connection fails. We’ll provide comprehensive advice on the benefits of a redundant connection and its positive impact on your business’s connectivity.

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